Tuesday, April 27, 2010

heavenly father,
we'd like close ( close our fast, from when she heard us end our fast)
please bless uncle shane (had 2 brain anerysums and a heart surgery) and uncle david ( who went in to get some help with his depression and try some alternative methods). Bless uncle david that he will get feeling well
bless brett that he will get feeling well from his head aches( he had headaches for 3 weeks from his back and neck being out of whack), that his back and hips wont hurt
Bless presley that it will be easy for her to poop ( presley had a really bad day and had a really hard time pooping and it made brinley really sad to watch presley be so sad.)
Bless all my cousins friends that they will be well....

I BAWLED.... this kid says amazing prayers!! these people will definitely be blessed!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

blah blah black sheep have you any more yes sir yes sir 3 bags full 1 for my master one for my name 1 for the little one that lives down the lane
Brin: dad if you are moms prince, who the hell were you freaking dancing with? her?(pointing to the korean lady)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm going to name Hannah's horse "Blue Jeans." -- Brinley 3

Thursday, April 15, 2010

i woke up in the middle or the night to this: brinley kissed me and said " i love you, mom" how do you make her go back to her own bed after that?

Monday, April 12, 2010

sprite lips-chapped lips

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dad: Brinley what do we do when we are in a parking lot?
Brinley: we hold hands
Dad: so hold my hand
Brinley: no thanks ill hold my own hand.. as she proceeds to clasp her hands and walk towards the car!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hoop a loops - hula hoop
waterfault- waterfall

Thursday, April 8, 2010

sprinklers- sprinkles

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

my daddys car was in a car rash (crash), so i was thinking about car band aids

Monday, April 5, 2010

recent prayer brinley said before madison went back to school.

Heavenly Father,
thank you for this day thats given us
bless Uncle Shane and Uncle david that they will be well
bless madison to drive to Utah State.. slowly
Bless oakley to not get doggy clogging shoes
Bless Hannah in.. is she an aggie ( me: no she goes to Jr High), Bless Hannah in jr. high
Bless every to be well
Bless Grandpa to not get sick anymore
s-nases ah sesus slist ahmem ( all one word)
*belly sandwiches - PB&J

*Bisgusting- disgusting

* Mannah Hannah or Hannah monhannah - Hannah Montana

* squeezer parts - boy parts

* 3 diet coke- ( copying mom when she orders a 32 oz diet coke at the gas station)

* zizzers-scissors

*boops- boots

*cheeders- cheers